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General information

The best time for sailing

from May to September


French, English

The average temperature

+ 21 °С



The average temperature on the coast

+ 25 °С



The average water temperature

+ 27°С

Prevailing wind


Monaco is a city-state in the south of Europe. Despite its fairly small size, the glory of the resorts of Monaco is known worldwide.

Rest in this tiny state by right is considered to be one of the best and expensive. Not everyone will be able to afford rest in this luxurious resort. Here gather: celebrities, oligarchs, successful businessmen and famous world political figures.

Why Monaco is so remarkable?

Monaco is famous for the faultless service, stunning luxury restaurants, exciting nightlife and of course casino.

Famous Monte Carlo is the center of gambling in all Europe. Here is located the oldest gambling house of Casino du Monte Carlo which set mood of passion to the whole world. Besides casino, you will be able to enjoy all charm of a social life: to visit numerous bars, luxurious restaurants, and also the Larvotto beach.

Those who would like to relax and enjoy high quality service will be able to visit thermal and mud baths which are popular around the world. Rich nature will delight You with serene and crystal clear water of local sea perfect for swimming on a comfortable VIP-yacht. You will be able to relax under a mild sunshine, to laze on gold beaches and to explore local fauna.

Interesting events and activities

Monaco - the world of idleness. Exhibitions, various festivals and competitions are held in Monaco with an enviable regularity. Here you can see the international circus festival, the Bal de La Rose, the international floriculture competition, Festival of contemporary sculpture, the Festival of television and even the famous rally "Monte-Carlo".

The races "Formula-1" are held in May. To attend this event it is worth thinking about purchase of tickets and reservation of the yacht from board of which you will get a chance to observe races in advance. "Grand-Prix Formula-1" - one of the most expensive events held in Monaco.

You will be pleasantly surprised that in this small state there are restaurants obtaied Michelin stars" Even the most capricious and demanding gourmet will be satisfied with the tasting of fine wines and local dishes.

Fans of the shopping tours will not stand aside. All global brands have gathered in the so-called "Golden mile". Branded clothes, luxury shoes and accessories - all this you will find in Monaco.

Major sights and attractions

Major sights and attractions

Traveling on a luxury yacht, You can sail along the coast of Monaco and admire the sights of this amazing state.

So, You will be able to see the residence of the ruling elite - La Palais Princier, in the south field of which are located the Napoleon Museum and the Historic archive of the Princely Palace. At the Palace Square for centuries is carried out the ritual of changing of the guard of the carabiniers in full regimentals. In addition, guns of Louis XIV times are exposed here.

Fans of architecture will be struck with beauty of the Cathedral, charm of the Chapel of God's Mercy and the masterpiece of the Old city - the Oceanographic Museum and the Aquarium.

Traveling along the coast, make sure to visit the Maritime Museum, located in the district of Fontvieille. Here you will find a collection of copies of famous ships of various purposes.

In the Landscape Park Fonvil you will be able to walk and enjoy the plants assembled from all over the world, to admire the Rosary of the Princess Grace and to feed ducks and swans inhabiting local ponds.

Fans of cars are waited by a special surprise. In the Museum with a personal collection of classic cars of His Highness the Prince of Monaco about 100 cars of the most famous brands are assembled. This collection is considered to be one of the richest in the world.

To plunge into the amazing world of hanging gardens, colorful fountains and bustling shopping streets you will be able having visited the area of Condamine (La Condamine). Orange groves, numerous baskets with flowers and picturesque terraces will bring to your vacation a romantic mood.

Our specialists with pleasure will help You to choose a gorgeous yacht for carrying out a fantastic holiday in Monaco.

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