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General information

The best time for sailing

from May to October


Montenegrin, English, Hungarian

The average temperature

+ 21 °С



The average temperature on the coast

+ 27°С


not required

The average water temperature

+ 24°С

Prevailing wind

North and North-East (Bora)

Montenegro - a country of a fantastically beautiful coast, gulfs and bays. Located on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, Montenegro is among the countries favorable for travel on a comfortable luxury yacht.

Silent bays, the soft Adriatic Sea and the coastline 300 km long will allow you to enjoy all the beauty of local landscapes, to study history and culture of the country, and also to have a rest from noise of a civilization in the conditions of environmentally friendly air and the nature.

Rest in Montenegro

About beauty of local landscapes it is possible to talk endlessly: the magnificent pine woods and olive groves, majestic mountains, the most beautiful beaches, azure cost of the sea and cleaner water in the rivers. In its majority the resorts of Montenegro are concentrated in the Budva Riviera, near which is located the Bay of Kotor.

Thanks to the geographical location, this country opens mass of opportunities for rest of tourists. You will be able to ski in mountains, to go rafting in the rough rivers and just in a couple of hours to relax on the beach enjoying cocktail made from exotic fruit.

Despite the outward tranquility, nightlife in Montenegro is in full swing: numerous elite bars and VIP-clubs, festivals, beach parties under on the open air and performances of the world-famous celebrities.

National cuisine

To experience a taste of true Montenegro it is just necessary to try the ethnic cuisine of this country. Combining the best traditions of Turkey, Austria, Italy and Hungary dishes of Montenegro always differ in its freshness and environmental friendliness. In this area all products are grown up in ecologically safe conditions: vegetables and fruit are not fertilized with chemical additives, the cattle is grazed on the unspoiled pastures, and the seafood living in local clear waters is remarkable for its freshness. Elite restaurants in this country are remarkable not only for the relation to healthy food, but also for a high quality service. Hospitality of locals and culinary customs of modern Montenegro will satisfy tastes of each tourist.

Sights of Montenegro

Fans of excursion and walks are expected by a huge number of sights concentrated in this part of the planet.

So, in Montenegro settled down the natural miracle - the second for its depth canyon the world, called Tara River Canyon.

If you go towards Albania, then you will have a unique opportunity to admire the majestic sizes of the Lake Skadar. Its area makes about 390 km2. Islands and coasts of the lake store the history of monasteries, castles, churches with tombs of the governors, once reigning on these lands.

Being in Montenegro be sure to visit the Ostrog monastery. The monastery of 17th century carved in the rock high in mountains stores relics of St. Basil of Ostrog. And fans of architecture should go to the well-known city of Kotor which is famous for works of medieval architects. A symbol of the city is the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon, where you can find the frescoes dated by 14th century and the sacristy made by the Venice and Kotor jewelers. Also You will be interested in visit to the Napoleon Theatre, the Church of St. Anne, St. Luke and, of course, the Church of St. Mary.

Traveling on the magnificent yacht, surely glance to the main sea resort of Montenegro – Budva. Golden beaches and silent bays surrounded by mountains will allow You to relax from noise of cities, to enjoy sounds of nature and to have a rest away from civilization.

We will help you to pick up a luxury yacht for Your travel to Montenegro and its surroundings. Professionalism and individual approach of our experts will provide you with bright emotions, the feeling of comfort and luxury throughout the vacation!

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